The Smith Family

The Smith Family

Monday, January 18, 2010

You WILL leave everything!

The most important day of your life will be the day of your death. Think about that. On that day, nothing else will matter except what you have done for God and where you are going. Your house, your car, your money, your sports will mean nothing on that day. You will be leaving time and entering into eternity. Meditate on that breath-taking moment. In the exhale of one breath, you will leave everything you love. Your wedding ring. Your spouse. Your loved ones. Your vehicle. Your money. Everything. Tonight, God could say to you, "This night your soul is required of you." Let such sobering thoughts consume you. Let them drive you to use your life for what matters, to reach out to the unsaved and make a big dent in this sinful world. There goes another minute. Gone forever Go share your faith while you still have time.

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